Scars Master Class

What this course has to offer

Scars Masterclass will take your cupping practice to the next level.

Understand WHY and HOW cupping works on scars with detailed physiology

So that you know with confidence how you are helping your clients

Understand WHEN is cupping beneficial and how you can move clients to more comfort.

So that you will try new things for the first time with intent and feel comfortable with your results.

Gain a clear understanding of WHEN is cupping not helpful

Keloid scars are just one example of a scar you do NOT perform cupping on

A wealth of KNOWLEDGE and a certificate for your wall.

Understanding how scars are formed, and how we can impact their appearance and function.

Use the right TOOLS

Using the right cups will make your treatments comfortable and effective.


Learn the most appropriate techniques for each type of scar.

“It feels fantastic, My skin is more vibrant... in my mind when I look at the scarring it seems very greatly diminished...”

Monica H, Case Study Scars Masterclass


You will get:

  • Over 2 hours of online video training
  • Full notes and powerpoint presentation
  • Ongoing support from industry experts
  • Lifetime access
  • 3.5 CEU credits

VALUE $179


- all updates in future versions of the course

- the best price I will ever offer

- 3.5 ce credits


TRAINING # 1 Diastasis Recti value $50

How to use cupping to help re-structure the linea alba and reduce the effects of diastasis recti.

TRAINING #2 The Emotional Impact of Scars value $50

Addressing the emotional impact and trauma that is attached to scars is an important part of healing them. Also, looking at the meridians which are cut and potentially damaged and the emotions related to the channels.


Total Value $279

From This Promotion Only

$147 CAD at par

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About Me

Lisa Dowling, BA., R. Ac

This all started for me when I had a serious life threatening accident at the age of 7. Lifelong chronic pain combined with a desire to help led me to the study of psychology and then into Eastern Medicine. Pilates had helped me rehabilitate and manage chronic pain and dysfunction from early injuries so I realized that it could help others too. My entire learning process was about things that I had tried that helped my pain and alignment!!!

In 2009 I stepped back from clinical work for the first time and began teaching shiatsu pregnancy and adjunctive therapies as well as supervising student clinics. In 2015 I began delivering the courses that I had developed as continuing education classes. In 2016 Michael Phelps brought Cupping to the forefront of everyone's mind.

My desire to deliver efficient, effective techniques for practitioners to not only improve the quality of treatments, but also to make it easier on the body has been my prime motivation. Since the 2016 Olympics cupping therapy has become extremely popular, and there was a lot of misinformation being spread. It became my mission to try to provide high quality, evidence based information that is delivered through the lens of Traditional Medicine.

more than cupping

By having many tools in your belt you will get the best results. Cupping is one of the most effective non invasive treatments for scars but there are other treatments... we can help our clients even more. We are going to talk about ways to further reduce scars, and avoid scar overgrowth.

Buy SCARS Masterclass Now