Disinfection of Cupping Devices

One of the most important aspects of practicing cupping therapy on others is proper disinfection of your cupping devices.

The action of the skin is to communicate with the internal and external world by absorbing and releasing materials.  This is one of the reason why treating with heat is a concern as heat opens up the pores.  So does cupping, and so when we see the tiny red petichae marks on the skin, these are tiny amounts of blood coming to the surface.  Although this is taken care of primarily by the lymphatic system, microscopic traces of blood and body fluids were found when cups were held under ultraviolet light.  This indicates that there is the potential of bacteria, fungus, virus, other particles to be released during cupping therapy.

Disinfection of Cupping Devices

One of the most important aspects of practicing cupping therapy on others is proper disinfection of your cupping devices.

The action of the skin is to communicate with the internal and external world by absorbing and releasing materials.  This is one of the reason why treating with heat is a concern as heat opens up the pores.  So does cupping, and so when we see the tiny red petichae marks on the skin, these are tiny amounts of blood coming to the surface.  Although this is taken care of primarily by the lymphatic system, microscopic traces of blood and body fluids were found when cups were held under ultraviolet light.  This indicates that there is the potential of bacteria, fungus, virus, other particles to be released during cupping ther