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Contraindications and Cautions
• Overall, cupping is a very safe and easy modality to practice. Cupping therapy is completely unregulated, and therefore it can be performed by anyone. If you practice cupping within a regulated health practice, then you must adhere to the contraindications and legislation indicated within your own scope of practice. If you do not have a college or association, then the best rule of thumb is that if you are not sure, do not proceed until you find a satisfactory response. If you have not had training in a modality, or are not taking extra training to treat certain conditions, then consider it a precaution.

• A detailed health history should be taken from all clients prior to administering cupping therapy.

• A separate consent for is recommended for facial cupping. Extra consent is suggested for cupping, to get into the good habit of asking about any medication, devices, patches, or other contraindication situations may be present. Its important to first be safe, and do no harm in our treatments.

• Always discuss the potential side effects of cupping with your patients. These could include an increase in energy, a lightness of being. These symptoms indicate that the treatment was of an appropriate length and strength. Patients could also feel light headed or dizzy (low blood pressure), have an temporary increase in symptoms (over treated), feel warm, and they can obviously have cupping marks on their body. It is recommended that you discuss the potential and reasons for cupping marks before you start the treatment.

• There are considerations to be addressed for all practitioners. Because we are using a mechanical device, there is a greater capacity to treat with more force. Bearing that in mind, it is important to check in with clients to gauge suction. It should not be painful or uncomfortable. The first time receiving cupping, sometimes clients find the experience of negative pressure massage a bit strange. If there is pain, it is a signal to release some suction on your cups. If the pain does not cease, then you should stop the treatment.

• It is always recommended to start the treatment shorter and lighter, and gradually increase over time. The body does not need to release everything all at once. This could lead to an adverse reaction.

• Another point to address is the circulatory effect of cupping. If a patient has a compromised immune system, or poor circulation, we need to adjust the treatment to ensure we do not over tax it. It is common for clients to feel tired, but usually very relaxed. In some cultures, a warm bath is prescribed after cupping. It is important to make sure clients keep their body covered and warm, especially in the winter months. • Finally, hydration is another consideration with cupping. With very dry skin, you may find the cups do not attach easily. Hydration is an important part of good health, and can lead to a host of health issues.

• When you are removing the cups, make sure to release the vacuum away from your self, and your patient. If anything has been captured by the cup, it should be released into the air, rather than onto the practitioner. Cupping should be performed in a well ventilated area.

• Use proper disinfection techniques. (see section on cleaning and disinfection below)  ✓ Understand your responsibility for proper cleaning of cups, especially when working on the public.

• Use suitable cups for the area being treated. Using an appropriate sized cup will make the treatment more effective. ✓ Small cups are for local treatment, deep conditions, and small body areas. ✓ Large cups are for more superficial conditions, large body areas, and for more diffuse suction.